Sunday, March 21, 2010

Where does time go?

Could time go any faster...I don't think so! Will is going to be 7 months old tomorrow and Grant is 4 going on 14! Here is just a quick recap of our last two months in pictures and a few words.

Will during bath time! He loves to splash around.

Grant invited Brooklyn and Jack to his school carnival and they all had so much fun running around. Here they took a little break to eat sundaes.

Grant is always a big helper when it comes to his little brother.

Watching the boys play together makes me so happy. Will thinks Grant is so funny and no one can make him laugh harder than Grant can.

Look at me....sitting all alone.

Will got a ride in the laundry basket

Grant was excited that the leprechaun left him a balloon and treat on St. Patrick's Day! The green milk in his cereal was fun too.

Dr. Grant on call

Grant did an intense two and a half week swim school where he learned how to save himself by floating on his back for 10+ seconds after jumping in the water. He earned his blue ribbon the first week. He is going to continue on in lessons once a week so he can be fully swimming by summer.

Playing with Mimi and Papa!

Me and my littlest boy!
Me and my biggest boy!

We had a fun Valentine's Day at the Kiss Me With Chocolate event benefiting Candlelighters! Almost everyone from our Supper Club went as well as our neighbors, Lynn & John.

It was fun to get dressed up and spend the night at the Heathman in downtown Portland.

Us with Lynn & John
Us with Marc & Kirsten Carnese
We have had a few really fun nights out lately thanks to our parents and babysitters. We went out with the Percells and Wilsons to A Cena and then to The Nines!

In the midst of raising these growing boys and having fun, we have been working away on the house. We are ALMOST done and plan to move in mid-April. We can't wait to settle in and finally call a house our home again. Will and Grant are big helpers out on site.

A view from the back yard! The front view!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Rice Cereal & Flying High...

Will officially entered the world of "solids"! If solid is what you can call extremely watered down rice cereal. He looked like such a big boy in his high chair with a bib on. He was willing to try out this new form of food, but once it got in his mouth he wasn't sure what to do with it... So the most natural reaction was to just push it out...
We are continuing to practice with the rice cereal nightly and he is slowly getting the hang of it!

Will love to be on his tummy...90% of the pictures we take of him, are of him on his tummy.

Grant and Josh continue to rough house and mess around, which they both LOVE. I was amazed that Josh was able to fly Grant around the house at top speeds- all the while Grant was squealing in excitement.

The house is coming along....we made a family visit out there last week- Grant loves climbing the ladders and collecting pieces of scrap wood to take home.

A view from the landing of the stairs looking in at the great room and eventually kitchen.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Playing Catch Up....

This December started out how most of them do....with a good ole' fashion Christmas Tree Hunt! Looking for the perfect tree is always fun and this year was no different- except we had our newest family member, Will, there with us.

Grant was a huge help when it came to cutting down and hauling the tree to the car! He just loves "working" with his daddy. Lets hope that lasts into his teen years!

Grant's birthday was the next big event of December! He turned 4 years is hard to believe we have a full on little boy! Grant has been such a blessing in our lives and brings us tons of joy and laughter each day- along with some angst too, but what would parenthood be without that?

Among lots of gifts, one of his favorites was his guitar. He has performed many concerts for us and we just love to hear the creative songs and melodies he comes up with.

This year we did a family birthday party at the bowling alley! We rented a few lanes, had pizza and I made Grant a special bowling cake. All the work was so worth it to hear the excitement in Grant's voice when he said how "cool" his cake was.

Grant is so full of life and fun...he bowled all night and we could hardly tear the bowling ball out of his hands. We may have a future league bowler on our hands :-)

Nice form G-Man!

Along with bowler extraordinaire, we have a performer on our hands. Grant's Preschool performance was a highly anticipated event! We practiced his songs and he couldn't wait to get on stage and show his stuff.

Little kids singing might be the cutest thing ever!

Christmas morning was the next December event that was highly anticipated by us all, but especially Grant! Santa was coming and he had high hopes for a new bike...which he found on Christmas morning with a big red bow on it in front of the tree. Santa was up until the wee hours of the night assembling it :-)

Santa brought Josh 40 chapsticks in his stocking....if you know Josh well, you know that he is NEVER without his chapstick. Santa was tired of hearing him say he was always out of it- so it looks like Josh will now have the softest lips ever!
Brotherly Love!

We were sure to sign Happy Birthday to Jesus on Christmas morning...isn't that the reason for the season! Sometime it is hard to remember that in all the excitement of the holidays! Grant got to blow out the candle.

The Kolberg Family!

Father and son

The cutest present under the tree! Little Will with a big red bow.

Papa John and Will!

December was a great month of friends, family and celebration! We are reminded of how blessed we truly are to be surrounded by loved ones! Happy New Year to all.

Ok, so 2010 is here and we are ready to start our new year! This year I thought through my resolutions and set several based on things that would fulfill my mind, body and soul. I wrote them down and have them posted a couple places in the house to remind me daily of what I am committed to. I am off to a good start so far, but really it has only been a month :-) Let's check back in a few to see how those are coming....

Here is a more recent picture of Will....he is getting to be such a big boy! Rolling all over, playing with his toys, giggling all the time and really lighting up our lives. He was 5 months old on November 22nd!

I just love this picture...both Will and Parker are crashed out on the floor!

In December, we cheered on the Beavers in the Civil War and were sad to not see them go to the Rose Bowl. Grant is a big Beaver fan...he even has us call him "Quiz" because he thinks he is Jaquizz Rogers! Grant and his buddy Brady love the beavers as you can see here with their jerseys on.

Last, but not the midst of all the fun and festivities, we continue to make progress on our house! This picture was taken in December, before the house was painted and the garage doors were on. We are currently in the finish carpentry stage, tile is being laid and cabinets go in in a couple of weeks. Our scheduled move in date is Spring Break (late March). We are looking forward to settling into our home and spending many future Christmas' there.