Thursday, April 30, 2009

A Full Plate

This week has brought on quite a bit of stress for Josh and I! On Sunday we found out that the rental we are in is going into foreclosure due to our landlord not paying the mortgage. The house will go to auction in August (within a week of my due date) and we were suppose to rent through January 2010. For us this means that we need to find a new rental, one that will rent to us for less than a year, and move within the next month or so! I can't believe that we are going to be packing up all our belongings and moving for the third time in two years. I feel like I am in college again and moving every few months :-) I try to keep a positive attitude about the whole situation. Looks like we may have to move within a couple days of Josh's final project for the term being due. And if you have heard...the last week or two before his final project is always stressful for him. To top it off my nesting instincts have kicked in and all I want to do it get the boys rooms all set up and ready! Fighting my type A personality traits is a challenge :-)

On top of it we are working through the permit process for our home and ramping up to start the construction! Super exciting, but stressful none the less.

Last week I also started to feel some light contractions, very similar to what I felt with Grant at this stage. I have had to make a huge effort to keep my stress in check, rest and drink plenty of water. At this point my doctor isn't worried about the contractions saying that they are very normal in a second pregnancy at this stage. I feel so much better knowing that she isn't concerned right now. I can't imagine going on bed rest this summer with all we have going on. Please keep us in your prayers for a full-term pregnancy and no pre-term labor.

On a lighter note, Josh and I had a wonderful night out for our 9 year anniversary last night. We dined at A Cena in Sellwood...which was amazing. Seriously I haven't enjoyed a meal out that much in a long time. We had a fun time talking about the exciting (yet somewhat stressful) things we having going on right now and debating baby names! Really it comes down to two names we both like, but each of us has a slight preference for one. How do we decide? I suggested a vote by friends :-) We shall see. We know the middle name will be John, but it the first name is still unknown.

Looks like this weekend will be beautiful and I can't wait. Sunshine always makes life feel brighter!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This last part made your Dad smile! (seeing his name for the babies middle name)
    Love, Mom

  3. Wow Christen. I can't believe what a rollercoaster you are on! It's so great you are taking a positive approach and remaining calm. I think I'd be crying. Let us know if there is anything we can do to help!

    And I'd love the friend vote! We didn't know Casen's name until we were at the hospital. Just couldn't decide. It's hard.
